Sabtu, 24 Mei 2014

Jenis-Jenis Bank

Dilihat dari segi fungsinya
Sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No.10 Tahun 1998 tentang perbankan

Bank Umum (Comercial Bank)
        Bank umum adalah bank yang melaksanakan kegiatan usaha secara konvensional dan atau berdasarkan prinsip syariah yang dalam kegiatannya memberikan jasa dalam lalu lintas pembayaran. Sifat jasa yang diberikan adalah umum, dalam arti dapat memberikan seluruh jasa perbankan yang ada. Begitu pula dengan wilayah operasinya dapat dilakukan diseluruh wilayah Indonesia, bahkan keluar negeri (cabang). Bank umum sering disebut bank komersil (comercial bank).

Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR)
        Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) adalah bank yang melakasanakan kegiatan usaha secara konvensional atau berdasarkan prinsip syariah. Dalam kegiatannya BPR tidak memberikan jasa dalam lalu lintas pembayaran. Artinya jasa-jasa perbankan yang ditawarkan BPR jauh lebih sempit jika dibandingkan dengan kegiatan atau jasa bank umum.

Bank Sentral
        Pusat struktur moneter dan perbankan di negara yang bersangkutan dan yang melaksanakan (sejauh dapat dilaksanakan dan untuk kepentingan ekonomi nasional)
Dilihat dari segi kepemilikannya

        Ditinjau dari segi kepemilkan maksudnya adalah siapa saja yang memilki bank tersebut. Kepemilkan ini dapat dilihat dari akte pendirian dan penguasaaan saham yang dimilki bank yang bersangkutan.
Bank milik pemerintah atau bank persero
         Bank persero, atau sering juga disebut bank pemerintah, adalah bank umum yangsecara nyata mayoritas sahamnya dimiliki pemerintah. Bank-bank yang termasuk ke dalam kelompok bank persero, antara lain :
  • Bank BNI
  • Bank Mandiri
  • Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI)
  • Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI)
  • Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN)
Bank umum swasta nasional
        Bank umum nasional adalah bank yang berbadan hukum Indonesia, yang sebagian atau seluruh modalnya dimiliki oleh warga negara Indonesia dan atau badan hukum Indonesia. Contoh bank milik swasta nasional, antara lain :
  • Bank Bumi Putra
  • Bank Central Asia
  • Bank Danamon
  • Bank Internasional Indonesia
  • Bank Lippo
  • Bank Mega
  • Bank Muamalat
  • Bank Niaga
  • Bank Universal
Bank milik koperasi
      Merupakan bank yang kepemilikan saham-sahamnya dimiliki oleh perusahaan yang berbadan hukum koperasi. Contoh bank jenis ini adalah Bank Umum Koperasi Indonesia (Bukopin)
Bank milik asing
        Bank jenis ini merupakan cabang dari bank yang ada di luar negeri, baik milik swasta asing atau pemerintah asing. Kepemilikannya pun jelas dimilki oleh pihak asing (luar negeri). Contoh bank asing adalah sebagai berikut :
  • ABN AMRO Bank
  • America Express Bank
  • Bank Of America
  • Bank of Tokyo
  • Bangkok Bank
  • City Bank
  • Chase Manhattan Bank
Bank Pemerintah Daerah
     Bank-bank umum milik pemerintah daerah adalah Bank-bank Pembangunan Daerah yang pendiriannya didasarkan pada Undang-Undang No. 13 Tahun 1962. Dengan diundangkannya Undang-Undang No. 7 Tahun 1992 yang telah diubah dengan adanya Undang-Undang No. 10 Tahun 1998, BPD-BPD tersebut harus memilih dan menetapkan badan hukumnya apakah menjadi Perseroan Terbatas, Koperasi, atau Perusahaan Daerah sebagaimana diamanatkan dalam Undang-Undang tersebut. Pada dasarnya bank umum pemerintah dengan Bank Pemerintah Daerah (BPD) adalah sama, hanya saja yang membedakan keduanya yaitu kepemilikannya, bank umum pemerintah dimiliki oleh pemerintah secara nasional sedangkan Bank Pemerintah Daerha (BPD) dimiliki oleh pemerintah daerah tingkat I dan tingkat II masing-masing propinsi. Contoh diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut :
  • Bank Pembanguan Daerah Jawa Barat (Bank Jabar)
  • Bank Pembangunan Daerah DKI Jakarta
  • Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Tengah
Bank milik campuran
        Kegiatan usaha bank campuran pada prinsipnya tidak berbeda dengan apa yang dilakukan oleh bank umum swasta nasional, bank umum persero atau bank pemerintah. Dari sudut kegiatan penghimpunan dana (funding), sumber dana bank campuran terutama berasal dari simpanan berjangka (time deposit) dan giro (demand deposits). Kegiatan memobilisasi dana melalui tabungan (saving deposito) tidak diperkenankan dilakukan oleh bak campuran. Selanjutnya, kegiatan penyaluran dana terutama dilakukan dengan memberikan pembiyaan usaha perdagangan internasional (international financing) dan kredit bagi sektor-sektor industri dan produksi. Contoh bank campuran diantarannya adalah sebagai berikut :
  • PT. ANZ Bank
  • PT. Bank Commonwealth
  • PT. Bank Finconesia
  • PT. ING Indonesia Bank
Dilihat dari segi statusnya
         Dilihat dari segi kemampuannya melayani masyarakat, bank umum dapat dibagi ke dalam 2 jenis. Pembagian jenis ini disebut juga pembagian berdasarkan kedudukan atau status ini menunjukkan ukuran kemampuan bank dalam melayani masyarakat baik dari segi jumlah produk, modal maupun kualitas pelayanannya. Untuk memperoleh status tertentu diperlukan penilaian-penilaian dengan kriteria tertentu pula. Jenis bank dilihat dari segi status adalah sebagai berikut :

Bank Devisa
       Merupakan bank yang dapat melaksanakan transaksi keluar negeri atau yang berhubungan dengan mata uang asing secara keseluruhan, misalnya transfer keluar negeri, inkaso keluar negeri, travelers cheque, pembukaan dan pembayaran Letter of Credit dan transaksi lainnya. Persyaratan untuk menjadi bank devisa ini ditentukan oleh Bank Indonesia.

Bank Non Devisa
       Merupakan bank yang belum mempunyai izin untuk melaksanakan transaksi sebagai bank devisa, sehingga tidak dapat melaksanakan transaksi seperti halnya bank devisa. Jadi bank non devisa merupakan kebalikan daripada bank devisa, dimana transaksi yang dilakukan masih dalam batas-batas negara.
Dilihat dari segi cara menentukan harga
        Jenis bank jika dilihat dari segi atau caranya dalam menentukan harga, baik hargajual maupun harga beli terbagi dalam 2 kelompok yaitu :

Bank yang berdasarkan prinsip konvensional (Barat)
        Mayoritas bank yang berkembang di Indonesia dewasa ini adalah bank yang berorientasi pada prinsip konvensional. Hal ini tidak terlepas dari sejarah bangsa Indonseia dimana asal muasal bank di Indonseia dibawa oleh kolonial Belanda. Dalam mencari keuntungan dan menentukan harga kepada para nasabahnya, bank yang berdasarkan prinsip konvensional menggunakan dua metode yaitu :
  • Menetapkan bunga sebagai harga, untuk produk simpananseperti giro, tabungan maupun deposito. Demikian pula harga untuk produk pinjamannya (kredit) juga ditentukan berdasarkan tingkat suku bunga tertentu. Penentuan harga ini dikenal dengan istilah spread based.
  • Untuk jasa-jasa bnk lainnya pihak perbankan konvensional (barat) menggunakan atau menerapkan berbagai biaya-biaya dalam nominal atau persentase tertentu. Sistem pengenaan biaya ini dikenal dengan istilah fee based.
Bank yang berdasarkan Prisip Syariah
        Bank berdasarkan Prinsip Syariah belum lama berkembang diIndonesia. Namun di luar negeri terutama di negara-negara Timur Tengah seperti Mesir atau di Pakistan bank berdasarkan Prinsip Syariah sudah berkembang pesat sejak lama. Bagi bank yang berdasarkan Prinip Syariah dalam penentuan harga produknya sangat berbeda dengan bank berdasarkan Prinsip Konvensional. Bank berdasarkan Prinsip Syarah adalah aturan perjanjian berdasarkan hukum Islam antara bank dengan pihak lain untuk menyimpan dana atau pembiayaan usaha atau kegiatan perbankan lainnya. Dalam menentukan harga atau mencar keuntungan bagi bank yang berdasarkan Prinsip Syariah adalah sebagai berikut :
  • Pembiayaan berdasarkan prinsip bagi hasil
  • Pembiayaan berdasarkan prinsip penyertaan modal
  • Prinsip jual beli barang dengan memperoleh keuntungan
  • Pembiayaan barang modal berdasarkan sewa murni tanpa pilihan.

Sumber :  Dahlan Siamat. 2005. Manajemen Lembaga Keuangan. “Kebijakan Moneter dan Perbankan”. Jakarta : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia. Edisi lima.

Jumat, 23 Mei 2014

Surviving the Impending Economic Collapse

      For the health and wellness of you and your family, you need to be prepared to survive the coming economic collapse. There are many ways to prepare for the end of life as we know it. You will need supplies to sustain your family for days or even a year or more. What will we need to survive?


      Humans cannot live without water. The amount of water you will need to maintain the right amount of water is one gallon per day, per person. If you do not have at least that much water, survival could become a perilous journey. You will need a few different options.
  • A water filtration system.
  • Refillable gallon water jugs.
  • A well that operates on a hand pump.
  • Smaller plastic bottles to ration drinkable water


       Having a non-perishable food supply is the second most important way to guarantee survival. You and your family will need food containing high amounts of protein, ready to eat meals like those used in the military and plenty of canned fruits and vegetables.
  • Start canning your own produce now.
  • Buy protein bars in bulk.
  • Go to a survival store or website to get ready to eat meals in bulk.

Alternative heat sources

        You and your family will need a source of heat. It may be for keeping warm, cooking or washing. If the economy collapses during the winter, you will need something to thaw ice in case your water supply freezes. Gather at least two of these things to ensure your needs are met.
  • An electric generator to power your home for a few hours at a time.
  • A propane stove and a stockpile of fuel.
  • A wood burning stove and a fully stocked wood pile.
  • A camp stove with extra cans of cooking fuel.

These are the basics you will need to get your family through the tough times ahead.

Sumber :

The Effect of Gas Prices on the Economy

        The USA consumes 400 million gallons of gasoline every day. This with the burgeoning demand from developing nations such as China for gas, has pushed gas prices to record highs, and having an all-pervasive and on-balance a damaging effect on the US economy. High gas prices make people stop and think about their commute. This will affect the US economy by reducing value of properties in outer commuting zones around the cities, and depress rural property values.

        The effects of such big cost hikes will reduce available spending money for all those on average wages and below who need to travel significant distances in their cars, and this will further depress the US economy when this cash gets diverted away from a myriad of local spending decisions affecting local businesses from restaurants to children’s shoe shops.

     Cars now are more fuel-efficient than they were in the 90s, so car owners can reduce your spending on gas by choosing fuel efficient vehicles. This is making US car manufacturers and car importers develop and extend their low fuel vehicle ranges. But, US car manufacturers have been slower than others, such as the Japanese marques, to develop some of the most innovatory fuel efficient vehicles such as the hybrid engine vehicles. This will tend to raise car imports to the detriment of the US economy until the US manufacturers catch-up.

      It is not all bad news though. Companies that own oilfield reserves will be seeing the value of their resources growing, and businesses that are connected with the renewable energy market are growing rapidly right across the range of renewable energy sources from wind, to thermal energy, and of course that most popular of renewable sources which is solar. Renewable energy companies are growing fast and employing increased numbers of staff.

Sumber :

How to Compete With a Computer in Economic Analysis

      It is rather hard to compete with the computer when doing economic analysis. This is because computers are quite good at doing math once they are programmed, and although economics isn’t an exact science, those who study it, do the research, and use the tools certainly see it as such. Meaning they will use these equations to guestimate the future trends. Nevertheless, just as one can be a technical analyst in the stock market, there is something to be said for the fundamentals, and the black Swan events which change the stock chart trends. Okay so let’s talk about all this for second shall we?

       How can a human being compete with a computer that analyzes data in this way when predicting economic trends and doing economic analysis? Well, I would submit to you that one third of the performance of the economy has to do with perception. Perception can come in many forms, and it can also change like the wind. That does not always show up in the data, for instance consumers are fickle, and many of the decisions made by CEOs have to do with government intervention on trade, regulations, and taxation policies.

     The data does not always show when a politician is going to come up with a new law which inhibits business, or helps pick winners and losers in the market, or changes the entire dynamics of an industry which has a cascading effect on the rest of the economy. Then there are severe disruption such as natural disasters, wars, and civil unrest. And let’s not forget the increasingly pervasive black swan catastrophic economic events. Bubbles that get blown too big, burst too soon, or hit you like a ton of bricks out of the blue. The data doesn’t always show that, are you beginning to see my point?

       That’s where human beings might still have the advantage. Sometimes there are anomalies which are not seen readily in the data, or not recognized for some unforeseen reason. Therefore, humans are still needed for economic analysis.

Sumber :

Why Inflation Is Eroding Your Savings

       The basic principle behind inflation is that as the money supply increases, so too does the relative price of goods and services. A common sentiment for children to hold is “why can’t we all be millionaires, then there would be no poor people”, or something to that effect. The answer is inflation. In theory we could all be millionaires, but this would drive up the price of consumer goods to reflect the increase in money supply, essentially balancing out society’s new found wealth. That scenario is an example of hyper-inflation, where prices rise in an exceedingly rapid fashion. In reality, most modern countries with stable, or fairly stable, economies have an inflation rate in the low single digits

      The example of wage parity shares a common connection with how savings are affected by changes in inflation. Your savings must also increase at the same rate of inflation each year in order hold their real worth. If prices are rising annually but your savings remain unchanged, you are able to purchase less with the same amount as you were the previous year. This is why keeping your savings hidden under a mattress is not the smartest investment strategy, even if you ignore the security issues. What the vast majority of us do instead is deposit our savings into the bank.
         But modern investors need to more carefully consider their options when structuring a portfolio. Of course the key advantage of a bank is that you don’t risk losing your investment, but if your value is being eroded from year to year then you have to ask yourself what the point is. The best thing to do is speak to an Investment Adviser, who can help sort through your options and minimise the impact of inflation upon your savings.

Sumber :

Rabu, 14 Mei 2014

Someting we should or shouldn't do and can or can't do

In Library :
  1. You aren't supposed to noisy in library
  2. You are supposed to read book in library
  3. You are allowed to borrow book in library
  4. You aren't allowed to bring food to library
In Tram :
  1. You are expected to give your sit to expectant mother
  2. You aren't to sit on folding chair 
  3. You are allowed to talk with your friends
  4. you aren't allowed to bring your pet
In Museum :
  1. You are supposed to learn history in museum
  2. You aren't supposed to  touch fossil
  3. You are allowed to take a picture of fossil
  4. You aren't allowed to wreck fossil
In Restaurant :
  1. You are allowed to ask menu to waitress
  2. You aren't allowed to smoke in restaurant
  3. You are supposed to eat in rastaurant
  4. You aren't supposed to leave without pay the bill
In Classroom : 
  1. You are supposed to bring note to class
  2. You aren't supposed to play your phone when lecture is teaching
  3. You are allowed to ask your lecture if you still not understand
  4. You aren't allowed to ask your friends during exam