Sabtu, 15 Maret 2014

Hellooo....... name Nuni Handayani, just call me Nuni, N U N I witout K, yeah...because if I meet a stranger and I tell them my name, they usually call me Nunik, eww...that’s embarassing, I don’t like if someone call me like that. By the way, I was born on July 9th 1993, in my lovely city, Bogor. And now I(s) am(v) a student(c) at Gunadarma University in Depok. All day I'm going to campus by train, yup I(s) am(v) commuter(m) student(c), every morning and night in train like sardine, maybe you know and ever see how tragically public transportation in our country... Full, crowded but there are joys and sorrows, sometimes i hate that transportation, but it’s the best and fast transportation for me to quickly get to campus, that’s why i love train. That’s really made my day........all day -_- Gunadarma University I take majoring of economic accounting... Why I take that? Because in high school I really love accounting class. And the other side, I really want to be like my father, he is a banker, he really my inspiration, but I want more from him, to make him and my mom proud and happy. Umm actually I made this is for my lecturer Mr. D, he give my class an assignment for “introduce ourself”.

     What else.....I have hobby and skill in music, I really like music, I can play guitar.... I learn self-taught from my father when I'm in junior high school. Maybe tragic he just tell me key A B C D E F G, and then he told me to learn by myself... -_- Because I really want to be able to playing guitar, and then ok I accept that challenge, and wow just for one month I can playing guitar, I can play guitar while singing. Maybe that’s too long, but I really suprised. But now I really miss my guitar, because I dont have free time for playing, so many task, and now I’m preparing to make PI. Hopefully I can quickly finish PI, quickly trial, and with good result.